Pros And Cons Of Accelerating Opioids

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According to Quinn (2012), accelerating opioids is based on ending the patient’s pain and giving the patient medication that has the end goal of dealing with the pain even at the risk of accelerating death. In other words, while the goal is not to kill the patient-the reason a patient is given accelerating opioids is to do as much as possible to get rid of the patient’s pain. Pallatiatve sedation is very similar except the specific medications are different and there could be circumstances where the patient is left unconscious-but the end result is the patient not being in pain or in far less pain. Ending or not beginning therapy is based on a tenet of the doctor/patient relationship which is that the patient has autonomy not to seek any treatment, especially if the treatment will only sustain (as opposed to save) the patient’s life. Indeed, life-sustaining therapy is something that a patient can legitimately refuse and while that will almost assuredly hasten death, it does not cause death. There are two positives to not undergoing life-sustaining medication, therapy or interventions.