
Pros And Cons Of American Imperialism

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With the help of modern technologies and an aid in the expansion of European empires was a desired effect of imperialism. US imperialism was meant to “help” and “rebuild” the US, but as with anything else, there came obstacles. So the question is, was imperialism beneficial or non beneficial? Imperialism is the policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories. Imperialism has its pros and cons and its advantages and disadvantages. Imperialism was beneficial because it allowed nations to become unified, built a stronger military, along with cultural superiority. Like anything else, imperialism had its positives, but it also has its negatives.Imperialism unified nations and built a …show more content…

This shortcut was also known as the Panama Canal.The canal allowed the Americans to transport and produce goods in a shorter and easier way.Americans began to not only lose their money but they began to lose their lives throughout the stage of imperialism. While building the canal helped make things easier; the workers began to die our from illness. “First. In the cause of humanity and to put an end to the barbarities, bloodshed, starvation, and horrible miseries now existing there [in Cuba], and which the parties to the conflict are either unable or unwilling to stop or mitigate…”(President McKinley's call for war against Spain, 1898) Which led some Americans to rebel resulting anti-imperialist. In order to protect the Americans from those who became anti, imperialist McKinley and Roosevelt thought of a plan to help protect the truth behind imperialism. “To keep the brutal nature of the war hidden from the American public, the McKinley and Roosevelt administrations engaged in censorship, official denial, media spin, glittering generalities, and intimidation of war critics.” (The United States Foreign

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