Pros And Cons Of Animal Research

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all of the sick individuals that it helps because the act of utilizing non-humans in research does the most good for the most people (Lyons, 2001). Protesters are also considered stakeholders due to the fact that they are usually advocating animal sentience and their rights to live naturally, and not in a laboratory setting. Typically, protestors often have an issue concerning this dilemma due to their own ignorance. Unfortunately, this ignorance usually centers on misinformation obtained from the internet, their own imaginations, and the fact that they do not believe that animal research is necessary. Due to their position of ignorance, a protestor cannot present fair scientific data unless they have actually experienced the animal research …show more content…

There is a process known as the 3D printing of organs and tissue systems, where a machine utilizes human cells and creates a living (to an extent) copy of what it is programmed to create. If the research studies were able to afford and acquire this fairly new technology, they would be able to print a replica of the human system and attach it to a machine to simulate life (Cheluvappa, Scowen, Eri, 2017). Utilizing 3D printed organ systems has several pros; there would be no need to use animal lives and the replicas would be of human origin, ensuring that the test subject would be more realistic in treatment studies. There are also cons, as there are with just about anything. It is new, which means that it is incredibly expensive and researchers would need to be able to afford buying the technology as well as all of the maintenance required for it to remain functional. Also, there may also be opposition from the masses for creating a version of life that only has the purpose to be operated on. Despite the cons, 3D printed tissues would be a much more effective alternative to animal testing, we as a people would be able to completely embody beneficence, or that of doing good (or at least not doing harm), because there would be an effective alternative (Kohl, 2001). To prove that this is also a better investment in medical research, data could be collected on similar studies done on both animal subjects and the 3D printed ones to ensure that it is more efficient and