Pros And Cons Of Being A Canadian Citizen

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How do I obtain Canadian citizenship? -Marriage with an Canadian citizen

This is only a guide, individual cases should be studied by specialized lawyers or cultural mediators.

The acquisition of the Canadian part of a foreign citizenship does not generate immediately after marriage. To avoid so-called marriages of convenience, has been taken as granted citizenship only at the end of period.

Foreign citizens married Canadian citizens residing or not in Canada can to apply for citizenship under the following parameters:

1. If the foreign national resides in Canada, the legal and uninterrupted stay together with the Canadian citizen fora consecutive period of two years is required.

2 If the foreign citizen resides abroad, the time increases a year, i.e., they need 3 years of marriage …show more content…

Legal residence is made up of element:

Residence: residence in Canada is tested with the certificate of the Vigil of the city of residence. For the purposes of citizenship has the term from the date of marriage.

2. requirement: Valid, uninterrupted and current marriage

In this case the standard requires a conjugal relationship not only instrumental, but effective and long-lasting purposes (that decreases to half the time for the application in the presence of children).Abroad must prove also his inclusion in the Canadian social fabric (learn the language, take part in activities of volunteering, etc.).

2 case: Foreigner not resident in Canada

1 requirement. Marriage valid, current and uninterrupted:

This requirement will depend on several factors, the most important is the legislation of the country where was celebrated the marriage, since if it was not done in Canada, ODS regulations valid and applicable validity will be the celebration of the country's.

2 requirement: joint residency:

This requirement will depend on the internal legislation of the country of

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