Pros And Cons Of Civil Disobedience

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For some people, times come where complacency is unjust, and disobedience is the long sought answer. Ever since Trump began his campaign promising a wall alongside our southern border people have been in strict opposition of all of his efforts. Starting in 2015, Trump began his journey with great concern for immigration, putting specific emphasis on controlling the border to Mexico. Trump’s means for control was erecting a wall which would slow, or ultimately cease illegal border crosses. This idea of his, sparked such an outrage! People filled streets with riots, many cursed the name that speak such words; but many took to arms peacefully, that is to say that even though people had been in an outcry, some took more honorable methods of civil disobedience such as purchasing private land on the border, creating art and media to express emotions, and refusal to pay taxes. …show more content…

By purchasing this land on the border, the company civilly makes it so that no wall can be built on that land without the use of eminent domain, or the acquisition of private land for public use. However, some would argue that this method is majoritively in vain, as no matter what, the government has the right to take land for public use, just as long as the original owner has been compensated. In spite of this, it is still awesome to see big companies getting in on pressing issues and supporting the people (Hoffman

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