Pros And Cons Of Education Abstinence

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Holding an abstinence only class in middle school prevents the knowledge of safe sex to our youth. The curriculum in these classes teach abstinence as the only morally correct option of sexual emotion. They shy away from teaching about contraception for the prevention of sexually transmitted disease and unintended pregnancies. “Abstinence messages are very important, but clearly the coverage of contraceptive topics is also crucial in helping our youth prevent unplanned pregnancy and STD’s,” says Sara Seims, President of Alan Guttmacher Institute (Livni). A report by Government Reform Committee staff in 2004 examined 13 most common teachings and finalized that only 2 out of the 13 were accurate, but that the other 11 held subjective negotiation and unproved proclamations regarding reproductive health, gender characteristics, and life’s timeline. Examples would be that HIV can spread through sweat and tears and a fetus at 43 days would be classified as a “person.” Students who receive proper sex education are shown to have sexual intercourse later than students who have received none at all. Sex education does not support teenager having sex which what the other side thinks. Supporters of the abstinence-only classes believe that teaching sexual abstinence until marriage will be the key to prevent sexual involvement through teens. However their curricula is very limited. When teaching about contraceptives, such as birth control or condoms, the simplicity of it is simply, “you