Pros And Cons Of Gene Editing

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The extension of human life has been a topic of great controversy, since the last the scientific revolution. But in recent years, our medical field has brought research to new opportunities that offer human lifetime to extend. This new research has brought up new controversy among the medical community and patients, making the controversy about the idea of using genes and changing them to better the chance of the extension of life. Making the process called gene editing which is “the ability to precisely and accurately change any part of any genome” (Andrew, par 1). Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary says genome be be determined as “one haploid set of chromosomes with the genes” (“Genome”). Claiming that even the most complex species of chromosomes changeable, by a simple moment or attachment of nucleotides like T, A, C, and G which make up our DNA.
The idea of genetic editing has brought some stakeholders inside the medical community to say that using gene editing, …show more content…

Agreeing to both sides but having its concerns as well. Johnjoe Mcfadden, Anglo-Irish scientist Johnjoe, comes in with another article, Don’t Fear Pig-Human Embryos – They Could Revolutionise Our Old Age, claiming even though some may consider it “playing God with our genes” (Johnjoe, 2016b. par 2). We don't have to change our genes but “often when [mother nature] gets it wrong, and it’s up to us to correct those mistakes”(Johnjoe, 2016b. par 2). Mcfadden explains we can use pig embryos we can help people replace organs, not having to wait on the donor list. But using human embryos and human's based DNA, which can be placed inside animal's body. That eventually over time will grow into a heart, a pair of new kidneys, or even a pancreas, etc. After the growing period is over they are later injected into the human body were the two DNA’s combine together working side by side with the new grow the