Pros And Cons Of Internet Privacy

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"While the Internet-based economy provides many benefits, it also raises new concerns for maintaining the privacy of information. “Internet privacy is the privacy and security level of personal data published via the Internet. It is a broad term that refers to a variety of factors, techniques and technologies used to protect sensitive and private data, communications, and preferences.”[1]
As the federal government’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)[2] explains:
Every day, billions of people around the world use the Internet to share ideas, conduct financial transactions, and keep in touch with family, friends, and colleagues. Users send and store personal medical data, business communications, and even intimate conversations over this global network. But for the Internet to grow and thrive, users must continue to trust that their personal information will be secure and their privacy protected.
Internet privacy concerns are warranted. According to a July 2015 survey of Internet-using households,[3] 19 percent of such households (representing nearly 19 million households) reported that they had been affected by an online security breach, identity theft, or similar malicious activity during the 12 months prior to the survey. Security breaches appear to be more common among the most intensive Internet-using households—31 percent of those using at least five different types of online devices suffered such breaches. Security breach