Pros And Cons Of Lifting The Ban On The Export Of Crude Oil

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After 40 years, the United States is debating on lifting the ban on the exportation of crude oil. The ban was instated in response to the Arab oil embargo between 1973 and 1974 which resulted in fuel shortages and price spikes.1 Representative Joe Barton (R-TX) initially introduced legislation to end the export ban. Lifting the exportation ban would “prohibit any restriction on the export of crude oil, except under emergency authority of the president.”2 H.R. bill 702 “does not limit the authority of the prohibit exports.”3 The Republican party is a majority in favor of issuing legislation that will lift the ban on exporting crude oil. A policy alternative was introduced by Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) called H.R. 1312, …show more content…

Pallone is a ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and believes that this legislation “”broadly undermines 40 years of protections for national security, our economy, consumers and the environment.””9 Pallone wants to avoid what he calls the “unnecessary” lifting of the export ban. He believes that the “whole idea [of lifting the ban] as a “payday for [oil] producers””10 Another key factor that is concerning to him is that the “”legislation also prohibits any federal official from taking any action at any time if it might restrict, or enforce a restriction on, the export of oil.””11 Pallone has the ability to influence Barton and potentially convince him of making certain Democratic changes to the current bill. President Obama is also opposed to lifting the export ban. He believes that it ““is not needed at this time.””12 The White House has also stated that they are planning on vetoing the bill and said that “Congress should instead “be focusing it's efforts on supporting our transition to a low-carbon economy.””13 Obama has also established himself as an Environmental President. If he does not veto the bill it would tarnish his reputation as being such and could ruin the credibility of the United States in the upcoming climate talks in …show more content…

O'Mara is the president and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation. His primary concern along with many environmental activists is about what lifting the export ban means for the wildlife community, and how is it going to be protected. O'Mara brings up a valid point that “the consequences for the nation's wildlife” is not being discussed among the debates within the House or the Senate. Environmentalist and climate activist Bill McKibben is also concerned about the increase on greenhouse gases as well as what it means for the wildlife community. McKibben has a substantial amount of influence because of his history of involvement with environmental issues, most recently, the Anti-Keystone Pipeline campaign.14 One of the strategies executed by McKibben is media attention. Media attention allows for his opinions to be heard more broadly within the public. Since McKibben is a veteran environmentalist who has many followers interested in his causes, he has the unique resource of mobilizing people. This ability allows him to place activists where they are needed most to make the biggest impact on decisions. Oil and Gas corporations and companies are unofficial actors for the exportation ban being lifted. American Petroleum Institute (API) is one of those companies in favor. The Oil and Gas industry's strategy to gain support was the coalition of oil companies, power by numbers. Another tactic used by