Argumentative Essay: Underage Drinking And Driving

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P.J. O 'Rourke said it best when he said, "Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we 're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn 't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power." Since 1984, every state in the United States has raised the drinking age from 18 to 21 in an attempt to control 18-21 year-olds. This writer disagrees with the law. In this country once a man or a woman turns 18, he or she is considered an adult. If an 18 year-old is an adult, then he or she should have the right to consume alcohol. The United States government believes that 18 year-olds can fight and die for this country and its citizens ' freedoms. Soldiers …show more content…

In response to MADD, statistics show that over 1,000 lives of 18-24 year-olds are lost annually to alcohol off the highways, a figure that has been increasing since 1998. In addition, sixty percent of the deaths that occur as a result of underage drinking happen off the highways. Approximately one in six teenagers has experienced ‘black out’ spells where they could not remember what happened the previous evening as a result of heavy alcohol use. If the purpose of changing the drinking age from 18 to 21 was to have less injuries and death, then this law has not made a …show more content…

Eighteen is considered the age of majority. It is legally defined as the age at which a person is considered an adult, with all the responsibilities of adulthood. At 18 one can register to vote. This is considered a responsibility to the country. One can also become a head of household, create lawsuits, foster children, and get professional licenses. If a man or a woman of 18 can be responsible to take care of him or herself, then he or she can also be responsible about drinking alcohol. When a person is financially responsible for himself, herself, or a family, he or she is responsible. Everyone 's brain processes responsibility differently. To say all 18 year-olds are irresponsible is a false statement. This argument is not just this writer 's dispute. Young and old in this nation disagree with this law. The reasons a young adult of 18 should have the right to drink alcohol are simple. If an 18 year-old is expected to fight and die for the United States, then he or she should have the right to drink alcohol. If laws changed the drinking age to 21 to save lives, then these laws have not been effective. If a man or a woman of 18 can be responsible to take care of him or herself, then he or she can also be responsible drinking