Pros And Cons Of Nsc 68

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In the 1950, President Harry S. Truman signed the NSC 68, which called for the increase in defense spending, causing it to nearly triple between 1950 and 1953. The NSC 68 outlined United States’ foreign policy after seeing the spreading influence of the Soviet Union after World War II. At the time, the Soviet Union was introducing communism to governments of other countries in hopes of gaining potential allies in the future. The United States, seeing this as an act against liberty and democracy, wanted to stop the spread communism, leading to a new US policy that lasts throughout the Cold War- Containment. Recently, in October 2001, President George Bush signed the US Patriot Act in response to the act of terrorism in September 11, 2001. Trying to strengthen national security as quickly as possible, this act made changes to US law, so that future acts of terrorism could be prevented. This act specifically allows foe the wider uses of actions and tools when looking for harmful terrorists. Although both acts called for enhancing national security and defense when it was needed, the Patriot Act is more effective in not only securing protection for US citizens, but is also a necessary action. In …show more content…

Therefore, Truman, Eisenhower, and most Americans thought of themselves as the champion of freedom and democracy, placing upon themselves the responsibility of freeing the other countries from the Soviet Union’s control. But, Truman and Eisenhower did things differently. Truman signed the NSC 68, increasing the spending for defense and expanding the military even during the time of peace. However, President Eisenhower thought the spending has increased too much over the years, and instead relied on nuclear bombs and bombers. By using the bombs as threats, Eisenhower was able to pressure communist countries from taking over other

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