Pros And Cons Of Outdoor Living Dogs

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Everyone has heard the phrase referring to dogs as “man’s best friend” at some point in their lifetime. A multitude of dogs is not a rare sight in the neighborhoods of today; instead of most families waking up to a chicken cawing in the morning they wake up to a friendly dog barking at a squirrel. According to the book Going to the Dogs by Gwyneth Anne Thayer, between 50% and 70% of Americans treat their pets as family members. Another statistic in the book shows that in 1998, 24% of dogs were considered outdoor living dogs, whereas in 2006 only 13% were living outside permanently. America is pet crazy; the majority of families have one or more pets and some even refer to their pets as “fur babies” (Thayer, 15). Children begging their parents …show more content…

Another article talking about how puppy mills multiply states that “A puppy mill is characterized as a large breeding operation that puts profits above care. Animals are often kept in cramped cages and not allowed to go outside. They're often starved, dehydrated and not given the attention they crave” (Velde). Female dogs are bred with no recovery time in between the litters, and when they can no longer breed they are usually killed. “There is no legal definition of a ‘puppy mill,’ so don’t be fooled by pet store owners who show you ‘papers’ or licenses to prove that their dogs are from humane sources” says the ASPCA website (“Puppy Mills”). This is simply the basic definition of what a puppy mill is. There is a lot more to puppy mills, and part of what defines a puppy mill is the miserable conditions within …show more content…

With the information displayed, the public could see what happened at these locations and see if breeders had clean abuse record. The Humane Society of the U.S. and the Animal Welfare Institute used these records to investigate abuse cases. In addition, many cities and states had laws that were based off the public information displayed. The USDA claims that they wanted to "Protect individual freedom" by purging the website of these records and claim that citizens can still get the information through Freedom of Information Acts requests. Just as most criminal records can be found online, these records should be online too, because in some areas running a puppy mill is actually a criminal act and places use this information to bring the criminal to justice. According to the article, “Purging the site is a ridiculous overreaction to litigation, and the FOIA process is typically tedious and time-consuming"("Animal Abuse Records"). Animal abusers should be treated like the rest of the criminals, and they should be known to the public so they aren't accidentally hired for a job that would put them in a situation to abuse animals

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