Pros And Cons Of Preimplantation Genetic Screening

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According to the Advanced Fertility of Chicago: “PGD, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, is the process of removing a cell from an in vitro fertilization embryo for genetic testing before transferring the embryo to the uterus.” In other words, genetic testing can be utilized to test for chromosomal normalcy and/or possible genetic-inherited diseases. Those people in favor of the process can be characterized by others as eugenicist, a person who aims to improve the genetic standard of the human race. This causes those to be opposed to the PGD practices, as in their eyes, they are immoral. I, however, disagree with those beliefs, as PGD is not on any path to beginning ‘designer babies.’ Preimplantation genetic screening should not be seen as a controversial topic, as fears against it are discouraging medical research and the fact that it is used to prevent illness and disease. …show more content…

Two contentions in opposition to my claim would be declarations that preimplantation genetic diagnosis can lead to the controversial ‘designer babies,’ and that PGD is unnatural. Designer babies are future, science-fictional, and would be genetically altered to be beautiful, without illness or disease, and highly intelligent. It is a media-hyped topic with more fiction than science. These people think about the topic differently than I, as they are not yet caught up on the progress of the field. According to Carole Wegner, “Frankly, we don’t know which genes to pick, if we could pick them and how and when to turn them on etc etc. And even if we could ... there’s this little thing called environment and self-determination that would foil that game plan.” Basically, we are quite a ways from physically being able to go in and know how to change the genetics of embryos. Additionally, the