
Pros And Cons Of Pro Suffragists

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Pro-Suffragists Pov “If there is no question of right or justice, then there is no question or case for women suffrage”, do you agree or disagree with this statement? This was said during the women's movement fighting for the right to vote (NWSA). Pro-Suffragists disagreed with this statement because they felt it was wrong that women were being taxed yet still had no representation in the government. Nowadays women not having the same rights as men seems foreign but back then that was the case. People like Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton's work didn't go to waste although it's sad they didn't live long enough to experience success. While the NWSA was fighting for women to get the right to vote they participated in peaceful protests, …show more content…

Women were proving that they had a big role in our country. During WW1 women had to do all the work that men used to do. Doing this proved that women can do everything men can and maybe even better. The 14th amendment stated that voting is only for men, and this made women angry which led to protests. Some of their methods were peaceful protests. Finally, all their hard work paid off in 1919 when the 19th amendment was passed. The 19th amendment states that all genders have the right to vote, but it took another 15 years for black women to gain the right to vote and another 30 for Asian American women. This provided a big step for the US proving that Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton's work did not go to waste. Some may think the only women who assisted in giving women the right to vote were big names like Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone, and Ida B. Wells but in reality, it was a “team effort” made by a big group of people who participated in the protest and petitions. It may seem like all men were against the movement but 40 % of them supported it, although they were shamed by others being called “Tom

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