Pros And Cons Of Representative Democracy

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Democracy is a system of government, people choose political leaders through elections which are held on a regular basis. Every citizen over a certain age is allowed the vote ; regardless of gender and social status. Socrates argued not everyone should be allowed to vote “ Democracy should not include every member of society due to lack of education”.
Democracy “is the government of the people, by the people,for the people”.The elections are conducted free and fairly on regular basis, it relies on citizen participation, it is a platform to voice opinions and debate without violence.
Political participation in democracy must be peaceful, respect the law and tolerant towards individual views.

Some states have different forms of democracy. Direct democracy is described as pure democracy citizens govern directly, participates are involved in the legislation process. Annual town meetings are held residents of the town act as a legislative …show more content…

Indirect democracy is responsive to the will of the people and can educate citizens on political issues. Representatives may have ulterior motives and may not work in the best interest of the people. Minority groups may not be represented enough because they do not have the majority of the votes.
Totalitarian democracy is a system of government where individuals are given the right to vote but have no participation in the decision making process. This could be seen as a good way to rule if the person in power, makes decision in the good of society. Where there is a totalitarian rule society is normally ruled by a dictatorship, every aspect of society is controlled by one person. Plato argued “democracies are susceptible to devolving into tyranny, vulnerable to take over from