Pros And Cons Of Sameness In The Giver

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In the book, The Giver the people in Jonas’ community are thought to be the same. No one can see color, everyone has the same clothes, same house, same lifestyle. There are some positives and negatives to the life of sameness. When people in the community are the same, it is easier to control everyone. There is no violence, no negativity, no feelings. First of all, all of the children have to grow up and mature at the same rate. If you fall behind, there is a possibility that you could be released if you are a young child. “Father had gone before the committee with a plea on behalf of Gabriel, who had not gained the weight appropriate to his days of life nor begun to sleep soundly enough at night to be placed with his family unit. Normally …show more content…

“ ..she said “And there are certain people waiting for their comfort object.” “Lily,” her mother said fondly, “you’re very close to being an Eight, and when you’re an Eight, your comfort object will be taken away. It will recycled to the younger children. You should be starting to go off to sleep without it.” “ Also another disadvantage with sameness it that no one has feeling to separate themselves from the rest of the community,“But Lily had no felt anger, Jonas realized now. Shallow impatience and exasperation, that was all Lily had felt. He knew that with certainty because now he knew what anger was. …….he had reacted with rage that welled up so passionately inside him that the thought of discussing it calmly at an evening meal was unthinkable.” This is the point where Jonas realizes that what he thought before where not actual feelings. He also sees that the community has no idea about feelings. When someone in the community dies, they do not feel actual greif. They just chant the name of the person who