Semi Automatic Rifle Should Be Banned Essay

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Semi Automatic Firearms Should Not Be Banned

In 1936, John Garand invented a new concept of rifles called the M1 Garand. This rifle featured an eight round en bloc clip with semi automatic capabilities. When it was adopted and produced by the U.S. Military, General George S. Patton called it “the greatest battle implement ever devised”. But now the capabilities of semi automatic have been over exaggerated and misunderstood. Some politicians like Kevin De Leon saying “...30 bullets in half a second” when the maximum effective rate of fire from a standard semi auto AR-15 is about 80-100 rounds per minute or about 1.5 rounds per second. Semi automatic firearms can be used in hunting and self defense, as well as, bad people do not need these guns to cause an extreme amount of harm. Therefore, I am against the gun control of semi automatic firearms.

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In that case a semi automatic rifle is a great option because if you do wound the animal, you do not want it to run off and suffer. With a semi auto rifle you can easily find your target and fire again and kill the animal without it suffering. If you had a bolt action rifle in the same situation and you wound the animal you then have to cycle the bolt and put a new round in the chamber, and when you're finished and ready to shoot, most likely, the prey item has ran off and suffered even more. “Semi automatic fire can be of some help to the deer hunter, too. As much as we all like to think we never miss, that’s not the case. Follow-up shots after a miss or even a poor hit can be the deciding factor in whether a hunt is a success or failure”(Mann). This proves that hunting with a semi automatic rifle is better than a bolt action