Pros And Cons Of Solitary Confinement

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By definition, solitary confinement is the isolation of a prisoner in a separate cell as a form of punishment. This technique has been practiced in the United States since the early 1800’s and arguments on whether or not it should be practiced followed very soon after its institution. Arguments surrounding solitary confinement are slightly diverse, ranging from full support to views denouncing it. The arguments are more complex than just pro versus con; however, some reside in the middle of the argument, acknowledging its flaws and expecting reform, but also acknowledge the base purpose of the institution.
It’s Just Punishment One of the first arguments supporting solitary confinement is the idea of punishment. When prisoners misbehave while serving their sentence, they may be put into solitary confinement so as to be punished for this misbehavior. This activity may include fighting, gang violence, or even drug affiliation. Many believe that this solitary confinement will aid in the reformation of the prisoner’s character, by allowing them time to reflect on their actions, or moreover, it is the best option available when no other form of punishment is successful. “Another justifiable aim of the criminal justice system is rehabilitation or reformation of character…’It was believed that once left alone with their conscience and the Bible, prisoners would engage in inner reflection, see the error of their ways and be reformed into law abiding citizens’ ”(“13 Most”).