Pros And Cons Of Surgical Sterilization

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Sterilization is considered to be the most common form of contraceptive utilized by women in order to prevent themselves from having a child or having more children. A plethora of women desire to get sterilized due to unexpected pregnancies in order to preclude themselves from having to pay for overpriced medical costs, having to take care of their child, etc. On the other hand, a handful of women get sterilized due to various forms of pressure placed on them as seen during the Industrial Revolution, where the expansion of western influence led to pressuring society in reducing their family size. As a result of the technological advances we possess today, the most common form of surgical sterilization utilized by women is tubal ligation.
During the 19th century, there was a development of contraceptives, such as the condom and a form of birth control pill, that were created in order to prevent an individual from getting infected from a variety of diseases and for the prevention of women getting pregnant after having intercourse with her male partner. Prior to the 1960s, female sterilization within the United States was merely utilized only for medical reasons in which being pregnant could cause physical harm to the mother. Otherwise, the …show more content…

It will not affect the menstrual cycle, nor will it entice menopause to occur earlier than usual, or breastfeeding abilities. They remain within the body even after sterilization has occurred. It also helps women to take pleasure in sex without being concerned about getting pregnant, since their chances of becoming pregnant are reduced. However, there are also disadvantages that can occur during sterilization such as injuries within the uterus that results from the incisions created that may require