In the U.S. surveillance is quickly growing into a massive industry. This transition will drastically hurt America’s liberty. Americans have to recognize that the surveillance of U.S. citizens constitutes a threat to civil liberties because it’s comparable to the surveillance done by the Soviet Union, it will eventually lead to the U.S. becoming a totalitarian state, and it doesn't actually make anyone safer.
Surveillance of U.S. citizens is comparable to the surveillance done by the Soviet Union on it’s citizens. The documentation of data by the NSA would be very beneficial to a totalitarian state similar to the Soviet Union. Maria Los has said that under the Soviet Union “Any suspicion of internal freedom may mark one’s file for special attention.” (Los) This could very well be done under the current state of surveillance in the U.S. It’s almost as if every citizen is being treated as a potential threat. Proud Americans don’t deserve such treatment. Maria Los knows what she’s talking about, “she lived for over thirty years in a
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citizens is increasing and that’s a bad thing. These increases in surveillance are a threat to civil liberties and could result in America becoming a totalitarian state. These increases in surveillance closely replicate the surveillance done by the Soviet Union on their citizens and, they don’t even help anyone. Some may say that increased surveillance helps keep people safe because crimes will be caught on video and the potential of being caught on video might deter criminals from committing a crime, however that isn't true. Even with increased surveillance, crime is still prevalent. The only difference is that criminals are easier to catch. Americans shouldn't have to throw away their civil liberties under the veil of danger. Americans need to stand up for their rights and stop congress from passing bills that allow for increased surveillance of U.S. citizens. That is the only way that Americans can make a