
Pros And Cons Of Government Surveillance

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[I believe that Government Surveillance is not a very useful way to gain ground against terrorism.] Due to the lack of actual terrorist activity this will then increase public distrust in the government.(Frankovic, Kathy) Making citizens fearful and defiant against the government.
Many Democrats, Republicans, and Independents believe in more restrictions on the NSA and the data collections of other spy organizations. The citizens want the government to do something but only a small percent of people believe that the government would actually follow through and act, and put on new restrictions.(Frankovic, Kathy) They want guidelines that will help keep everything running efficiently. This will also keep people not only safe …show more content…

Since the tragic incident of 9/11 nationwide security has been increased on not just informational surveillance, but also on physical security such as the Transportation Security Administration, which heightened airport security. Causing the screening to go from private companies being in charge to the government taking over (Drastic Changes). Does this help? Yes, I would say that it does. Even if the security itself does not catch everything. I believe that it puts just enough fear into a criminal that it makes it harder for them to do destructive things. The reason why it helps is because of focus, focus has been centered on that area due to what has happened in the past. Snowden has also spoken about focus and why the lack of it is why the Boston Bombing happened. The government is too busy watching everyone all at once that it could not possibly focus on what it needs to (Snowden). Focus not so much on the suburban mom with not any criminal activity, but people that have been linked to violence and criminal behavior. The american people are very skeptical that all of this data hoarding the government is doing. Less than half of the population believe that the data collection amounts to anything useful, not to mention terrorist

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