The Pros And Cons Of The Patriot Act

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The Patriot Act, sounds like the title of a really corny comic book. However it is actually an act enforced by the U.S. government that allows certain things be done, like people's phone calls to be recorded in or social media kept under watch, order to protect citizens from possible terrorists. This is a controversial topic due to people believing their rights are being taken away. I think that claim is totally proposterous seeing as how it protects said people from future terrorist attacks. With that idea, how can you argue against the point and uses of the Patriot Act? The first clear usage for the Patriot Act is that the world is still a dangerous place and that we need this form of protection to stop all types of terrorist attacks, including that of domestic ones. Less than a month ago, tragedy struck at a Florida High School when a former student took guns into the school and killed 17 people. As the days go …show more content…

This is an understandable reason for people to dislike and not desire the act in the first place. People don't like it when someone else is listening in on their conversations, so why would it be any better if the U.S. government were recording and saving our phone calls? To be frank, it isn't. Thousands of people have expressed their doubts about the government and all the information that they have on citizens. While it might be an invasion of privacy and people don't know what they do with the information, this action taken by our government is necessary to protect the citizens of the United States of America. A few phone calls being recorded for the safety of millions of people is a trade I would make every day. The government has even claimed that the only people whose calls are recorded are people suspected of terrorist motives or actions against the

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