
Patriot Act Pros And Cons

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Over the years, the United States has experienced several acts of terrorism. These incidents put fear into Americans. It's the goverments responsibility to find ways to protect the lives of citizens and help keep the country safe. The Patriot Act is the governments way of protecting the American citizens. Through Patriot Act, the law enforcement agencies of the Untied States are given the most effective tools to combat terrorists having intentions or plans to attack the nation. There are several reasons as to why I support the Patriot Act such as improving law enforcement, benefiting the American people, and preventing terrorism. I support the Patriot Act because it benifits law enforcement. The act gives the law enforcement an effective …show more content…

The article "Patriot Act Protects Americans from Terrorism" explains the benefits of the act. One key area is it has removed obstacles to investigating terrorism and it has strengthened the criminal laws against terrorism. This is very important because if the governement didn't make these restrictions, there would be numerous terrorism attacks on the country. In the article "Fight the Patriot Act", it explains that the act violates the privacy of Americans because of the FBI and NSA collecting phone records of millions of people through the Patriot Act. The article is wrong because the cooperations are not violating privacy, they are simply working to prevent possible threats to Americans. It is argued by the opponents of the act that it delays issuance of search warrants notifications so law enforcement agencies may delay giving appropriate notice for conducting a search. The act has been renewed to limit the governmental powers in obtaining information from those people who are being the focus of investigations for terrorism. I believe the governent shouldn't have been limited. If the individuals are getting investigated, the government has reasoning for doing so, therefore, it's

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