Essay Against The 4th Amendment

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Many Americans have no problem questioning their government and it laws everyday but what would you think if you knew that the government can see everything you do? In the short story by Mike Kubic, he states that many Americans are questioning the Patriot Act and what it is used for. Most people want their privacy and the Act can be invasive at times but only if the government suspects suspicious behavior. In the short article, “The PATRIOT Act: Protection over Privacy”, by Mike Kubic correctly argues why the PATRIOT Act should not be repealed by explaining everything the FBI has to go through to get the information, what information the government actually can access, and how many citizens feel about the Act.

For the FBI to actually look …show more content…

“The specific complaint was that this provision violated the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that deals with the “right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures” and seeks to protect this right by “requiring] law enforcement officers to obtain warrants before making most searches.”(Kubic, 9). Many believe that this new Act is violating the 4th amendment and by extension the Constitution but FBI officers must get a court issued warrant before they can do anything. “Instead, the new law – while not entirely Rube Goldbergian in complexity and confusion – set out a cumbersome and more time-consuming and expensive process to provide much the same results as had the relatively simple Section 215 of the previous act. There seems little doubt that the changes have made the job of identifying potential terrorists more difficult.”(Kubic, 16). Americans will always have something to complain about to the government about the government but they are just trying to do what is best for the people. The PATRIOT Act is something that causes a lot of controversy but in the long run is there to protect the citizens even when those citizens don’t want

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