Pros And Cons Of The US Patriot Act

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911 dramatically impacted societies broadly and law enforcement pointedly. According to the National Commission on Terrorists upon the United States (2004), it was clear after the September 11 terrorist attacks that intelligence sharing among all levels of law enforcement and the intelligence community was bankrupt (Carter & Carter, 2009). After the fact, there was a considerable investment of resources in many different government sectors for preparedness, response, and recovery from terrorist attacks. Shortly after the attack, President Bush signs the USA Patriot Act on October 2, 2001. It is intended, in Bush’s words, to "enhance the penalties that will fall on terrorists or anyone who helps them." Although the act passed by wide margins in both houses, it has been criticized for weakening civil liberties.
Title II (Patriot Act II) contains the most controversial provisions. Title II extends the government’s authority to use wiretaps under the Foreign …show more content…

In March 2006 the White House and the Congress reached a compromised on of the controversial articles of the Patriot Act and new provisions were approved. Under the renewed act, when the government seeks information, the request can be challenged in court; additionally, suspects have the right to legal counsel. Added was The Combat Methamphetamine Act of 2005 which required retailers to maintain records of over-the-counter meds needed to produce this deadly drug. Some less controversial articles were renewed, for example: (1) The government has the right to intercept communications, (2) Internet and e-mail providers to hand over records. The Senate made substantial changes while the House reauthorization bill permanently retained most of the original language. The final bill removed most of the Senate changes and passed on March 2, 2006. Bush signed it into law seven days