Pros And Cons Of Term Limits Of Congress

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Mystie Robinson American Government Term Limits of Congress The United States Congress is a bicameral legislature of the United States of America’s federal government. Congress has two parts: the Senate and the House of Representatives. Members of Congress can spend many years in office. They don’t have term limits. This has been a topic in mind for many years. Should members of Congress have term limits? There are pros and cons of Congress having or not having term limits that many people use to argue their opinion. There can be benefits to term limits. This can be a way for new people to come into office every couple of years to have more of a variety of new opinions. New people can bring these different opinions instead of those who have been in there for a while who may not have new decision making. Some people believe that the term limits can help to root out corruption. People who are in there long enough could start basing topics off of their interests instead of the people around them. Lack of term limits leads to a system of seniority, meaning those who have spent the most time in office gain more power. The term limits can make it so that people can be in there for certain reasons …show more content…

If someone is in office for so long, finding someone that is as skilled as that person to take over could be a challenge. It could be hard for someone to quickly become successful in that term limit due to a limited amount of time. New members coming in could also mean that they won’t be quite as educated on all the legislation that has happened. This can cut how much time that person actually gets to spend in Congress because they have to learn more material. This would leave very few congress people that could actually legislate. The current members would know more of how to figure out how to deal with an issue. Term limits kick out the good leaders who may deserve to stay in office for excellent