Pros And Cons Of The Articles Of Confederation

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The Articles of Confederation was the first constitution of the United States. Although it was drafted by congress in 1777, it was not ratified by all thirteen states until 1781. Out of fear of creating a tyrannical government, the Articles of confederation actually allowed the states to be very much free and independent. Although that policy ensured a non-monarchist government, the liberation that was granted has its pros as well as its cons. From 1781 to 1789 the Articles of Confederation provided the United States with an effective government by giving the states freedom, however shortly crumbled due to the lack of stability.

After separating from King George III, the last thing the states wanted was a government to make decisions for them. The rejections on the proposal of the Articles of Confederation can be observed in the following excerpt from the letter of the Rhode island assembly to congress: “by granting to congress a power to collect money from the commerce of these states, indefinitely as to time and quantity, and for the expenditure of which they are not to be accountable to the states, they would become independent of their constituents; and so the proposed impost is repugnant too the liberty of the United States.” …show more content…

In document b, the years 1770-1792 are given with the estimated market values of U.S. exports to Great Britain, and the estimated U.S. population. The years prior to the war and the new found government show an increasing market value and population. However, trouble costs money, and without the power to levy taxes to help pay for the cost of war, the market value decreased by approximately $2,000 with a steady rising