
Pros And Cons Of The Declaration Of Independence

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The Declaration of Independence is the founding element of this country, and would not have the stability it has today without it. The argument is how each part of the Declaration is used to benefit and serve the people. There are documents provided, and this essay will relate each document to the part of the Declaration that it supports. The Declaration was constructed in order to relieve the colonies of Great Britain’s grasp, but is still incredibly useful in today’s living. The idea of the Declaration was introduced around June 1776, and was finally finished by Thomas Jefferson on July 4th, 1776. The first document states Thomas Jefferson’s quote “that all men are created equal” and that any men should always be treated with fair …show more content…

It should give power to the ones who deserve it, but criminals or people who have tried to deface its value shouldn’t deserve its perks. In document four, Owen Brown says that “no man had any right to deprive his fellow man, of these Inherent rights, except in punishment of Crime.” This is proving the truth behind the best adjective to describe our rights, which is Unalienable. American rights should be given to any one who achieves the title of an American citizen, no matter race, religion, color, creed, or sexual orientation. Anyone trying to abandon these rules should not only be revoked of these freedoms, but should also be punished for it. To break a law is to disrespect what the founding fathers fought and died for, and to forget what the Veterans fight for everyday. Up until 2015, Gay Americans weren’t allowed to marry. Marriage is a American given right, it shouldn't matter what your sexual orientation is. If this right was finally given two years ago, think of all the other laws protecting american citizen’s freedoms that still need to be amended. The Declaration only brisked all American freedoms, there will always be room for

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