Pros And Cons Of The Electoral College

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What is the electoral college? It is the system that the United States of America uses to elect its president and vice president, and while many argue about its effectiveness, its disadvantages are alarming. It was outlined and created in the Constitution in Article II, Section I, Clause II, because the framers of the Constitution feared democracy. This system allows for a group of people to formally cast their respective state’s vote for the election of the president and vice president every four years, on the basis of who wins the majority in the General Election in their state. Although it was created with the best intentions by the writers of the Constitution, we now believe that this system, the electoral college, is not the most fair …show more content…

Also, it is completely unfair that the winning candidate in that respective state gets all that state’s votes. Maine and Nebraska are the only exceptions, because they proportionally split their votes. Simply changing all the states to this system would make the electoral college a more equal system; not the best, but better. There have been three occurrences in this country’s history that the electoral college has failed. In 1876 with Hayes, 1888 with Harrison, and 2000 with George W. Bush, the president won by the electoral college, but not by winning the popular vote. There has been one time, in 1824 with John Quincy Adams vs Andrew Jackson, that neither got the needed number of electoral votes to win. While Jackson, had a greater popular vote, since neither won the electoral college, it was sent to the House of Representatives, who voted Adams as president. These errors are not what a national population should want to see in their government; a system whose errors can be exposed extremely quickly, plus taken advantage of. This prompts candidates every election year to play to the system, which should not be