Pros And Cons Of The Industrial Revolution

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The industrial revolution took place in the 18th century and carried into the 19th century. During these times, more and more machines were introduced to replace labor by hand. Daily life was improved for thousands of people across the country. But along with these new machines came many negatives, as well as positives. In the following paragraphs, these examples will be listed. In document 5 it states the growth of cities due to the revolution. More and more factories were being made across the country, which is both a positive and a negative. Dozens of new cities were built, thousands of people were supplied with the opportunity to get a job, earn money and acquire new skills that they might have once not had. Along with this came many downfalls. As more and more cities were created, areas became overcrowded due to people wanting jobs and moving into the city where living was cheap and affordable living. In document 2, Leon Faucher was brought up. He employed thousands of …show more content…

The overall change in economy due to the Industrial revolution was drastically transformed into something new. In document 3, it shows the difference in steel production over the years. In a 45 year span, the steel production nearly tripled. Due to Henry Bessemer, the process of making steel was faster and more affordable. This gave more people jobs and started a mass production of steel since it was cheaper to make. The downfall to that is the huge increase in child labor. In document 4, it expresses the dangers of child labor. They had little hands that could easily fix broken machines. They had a very dangerous and fatal job to do. Many children were killed during their shift. While fixing machines they even had to go to the extreme of climbing inside and repairing whatever needed to be fixed. Many times during this act, the machine would malfunction or turn back on and crush the child inside. Children who started working at the age of 5 generally died before the reached the age of