Pros And Cons Of The Prison Industrial Complex

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“Made In America”, should be connoted with patriotism, independence and liberty, conversely, “Made In America” accurately signifies the abuse of prison labor. It is an obligation for those who have committed crimes to owe a debt to society, but owing a debt should not be accompanied by the maltreatment of prisoner workers. The prison industrial complex (PIC) is a term used to describe the overlapping interests of government and industry that use surveillance, policing, and imprisonment as solutions to economic, social and political problems. The prison industrial complex has its roots in slavery and has spread its branches across American society, letting its leaves fall into pools of injustice and inequality.
Since pilgrims have on stepped foot on North American soil, Americans have been …show more content…

The United States government legislate laws such as the “three strikes” law, created at the beginning of the War on Drugs, demands a minimum sentence of 25 years to life for three-time repeat offenders with multiple prior serious or violent felony convictions. As this law seems well-deserving of those who committed crimes filled with malice and ignorance, the evolution of this has landed American citizens in prison for life for multiple simple drug possessions. The Correction Corporation of America and the politicians who are supported by them, such as: Marco Rubio support the “three strikes” law and an even more detrimental law: mandatory minimum sentencing for nonviolent crimes, which have a ripple effect in the lives that are sent to