Pros And Cons Of The Treaty Of Paris

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1783 Treaty of Paris After the Treaty of Paris, it surged a variety of issues that the United States will have to face made realized the government that it was not enough prepared and did not had the de correct equipment to face them. In addition, the shortcomings of the government created by the Articles of Confederation leaded attention to form a new plan of government to substitute de system of the Articles. 1785 George Washington invited the representatives from the state of Virginia and Maryland at Mount to discuss trade controversies and conflicts between the two states and try to propose solutions for the trade problematic. Dangers and Unrest The most difficult part to recover again was the economy, war debts were sinking the country. The origin of this big issue was that in the limitations of the Congress under the power of the Articles of Confederation it could not it could not force any territory to pay taxes, so the solution for this was to ask for money to foreign countries and with progress of time it became a chain of debts that was impossible to cover in a crisis. Furthermore, farmers were the most damaged by this situation, they entered in debts and lost their farms. …show more content…

- Postwar Depression: Economy was going down and many farmers lost their farms because of debts. Furthermore, creditors were afraid that borrowers would not be interested in invert good on their loans. - Interests of the States: States ignored the laws passed by the Congress, they were only searching their own benefit and were making foreign treats in an illegal manner; other states made their own armed