Pros And Cons Of Uber

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What Should You Know, if You Want to Create Uber Like Mobile Service Everyone has heard about “Uber phenomenon” and has been entranced by the way this startup has transformed into the most successful business globally. And if you want to build your application taking as a basis Uber functionality, you definitely need to read this article. The first thing to cast a light on speaking about “Uber services” is sharing economy. In other words ‘sharing’ means ‘on-demand’. Sharing economy represents the type of business that is based on sharing of resources. According to it, customers reach goods and services when needed. This is the way how P2P networks appeared. The critics of sharing economy claim to regulatory uncertainty. On their opinion, …show more content…

Secondly, from an application startup Uber managed to grow to brand and capture the share of the market. Thirdly, its background technology is truly remarkable letting riders and drivers connect with a help of simple interface. But, as any service, Uber has its pros and cons. The advantages of Uber taxi app are:  Absolute flexibility Every driver can work as much as he wants – part-time or full-time, it depends only on him, his time and intention. He may just switch off his mobile phone and stop working at any time. Thus, the ability to schedule job independently is a great advantage of Uber.  Be your own boss The main task of driver is to set 4,5 or above the rating to stay in the Uber system. No boss overseeing, critique and unnecessary suggestions. What really matters is the reliable attitude to work and positive reviews of the passengers.  Surge pricing The great benefit for drivers is to get the surge ride. This capacity frequently happens on holidays. In this case, driver gets 80% of the sum of fare. So, this opportunity can be really lucrative.  New people and new …show more content…

He has his own down time which can be spent as he pleases. And now let’s see what the disadvantages of Uber are:  No tips A few service jobs have no tips. And Uber driving is one of them.  High competition There are too many drivers as compared to riders. Offer dominates over demand. So, requests may be really low.  Participative expenses Only driver is responsible for car repair and all expenses.  No interaction between drivers Uber drivers often complain about the way Uber company treats them. Firstly, it does not provide any chat or support to enable communication and interaction between drivers. Secondly, the system is rather strict. If you have good reviews and rate – you are in, if negative comments arise, you drops off the taxi system. In conclusion, we may say that Uber concept is really impressive and taxi companies around the world are using the same idea and benefit from it. But, to stay on the top, this company needs to pay attention to quality of its services and take control over constantly growing number of drivers and their efficiency. Still we may use the Uber functionality and build our applications on the same concept. Let’s see how to do it in