Pros And Cons Of Welfare-To-Work

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Recommendations: Since, Welfare-to-Work was designed on a state level, each state have their way of allocating the funds and it can be different from state to state. Therefore, we identified some issues in Wisconsin, Maryland, and general. Problem 1: Not having any work requirements for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) recipients to receive benefits. Politicians believe the federal program would set up recipients for long-term use with no incentive of getting them off the program Recommendation 1: Work requirement must be mandatory in order to receive AFDC. Problem 2: The welfare system was distributing funds with no set limits to how much benefit a person/family could receive. Recommendation 2: There should’ve been …show more content…

After three of non-compliance they lose all food stamps benefits. By putting this law into effect in April 2015, 21,000 recipients have found work but 64,000 have lost their benefits. Recommendation 4: These figures don’t look great, especially 64,000 people lost their benefits and only 21,000 found jobs. It’s recommended that benefits should be extended for at least six months instead of 3 months. Problem 5. Ron Haskins of Brookings Institution made a statement in the U.S.A. Today, dated March 2, 2017, stated that “States do not focus on helping people find a job,” and many states are not strictly not enforcing the work requirement. Recommendation 5: If the states are not using the allocated funds to provide what the funds are intended, then the funds should be reduced. Problem 6. In the state of Maryland last year, Maryland failed to use hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal job training funds in order to help low income families that receive food stamps to get ready for the job market. Therefore, the money was left on the table, meaning it went back to the

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