
Pros And Cons Of Woodrow Wilson

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During the year of 1912, a battle arose between four candidates who were running up for election with the names of Woodrow Wilson, William Howard Taft, Theodore Roosevelt and Eugene Debbs. The fellow named Woodrow Wilson was a democrat. The former 26th president of the Unites States named Theodore Roosevelt was also running up for election. Roosevelt vanished the Republican party to create his own, Progressive party. Whereas, Taft was the Republican nominee and Debbs was the socialist party candidate. These four candidates had quite a spectacular yet, unique chance at eliminating problems in the progressive era. Democratic Nominee, Woodrow Wilson was an extremely intellectual individual. His academic accomplishments consisted of receiving …show more content…

Republican Taft had an antitrust record. According to Laurel Click,” Taft supports high import tariffs, limitations on child and female labor and workmen's compensation laws.” (Click) The Federal Trade Commission was purposefully created to keep an eye on unfair business actions. He proposed a minimum wage as well as a government fund for any American who was struggling with healthcare costs.
Whereas, Wilson platformed a plan called New Freedom, which was set to create a paternalistic bureaucracy. He wanted to execute an antitrust law in order to destroy monopolies. Big businesses were one thing Wilson despised because he believed it reduced the opportunity for the average American. Wilson wanted to keep everything small whether it was government or businesses. Additionally, Wilson wanted create peace by uniting the south and the east.
On the other hand, Eugene Debbs was one of the most significant socialists in America. Deb proposed a plan to making minimum wage just as Taft did. He also wanted to cut off tariffs, shorten the typical work day, make public ownership for the railroads and a higher income tax. Despite his bright plans, labor unions were Wilson

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