Pros And Cons Of Ww1

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The end of WWI was the beginning of a new age. This year 100th anniversary of the end of the great war. Imagine you are living in 1918.State where you are living and how the war will impact your life. Discuss the pro and cons of the changes this war introduced to society and how you imagine those changes will impact the U.S. in the years to come.

This past 1 year, 7 months and 5 days has been awful. My husband has been at war and Noah Jon our son is without a dad. The military tells me nothing and I had no clue on whether he’s dead or alive my husband never returned like all the other men. Noah Jon is without a father and I’m without a husband and life is very hard. My job has also been taken by the returning men of the war so we are going poor. This should be the last thing I should be worried about but it’s the only thing that I can worry about because how am I supposed to have a funeral for my dead husband.

Noah Jon is failing at school and I didn’t go school so I can’t help him and James was always smarter and he learned faster than I did so he would always help him with school work but he’s gone now. Then Noah Jon has all the added stress of not …show more content…

We decided to have a rally in front of the cotton plant on November 29 at exactly 12:00 p.m. and we’re not backing down for nothing. The rally is going good, the police have now set up gates and they have threatened to arrest many but we’ve done nothing illegal we have a right to free speech just like the men. The police pushed us away from the opening of the factory and now they’re arresting