Pros Of The Us Constitution

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The United States Constitution is a remarkable document. A daring experimentation in democracy, in which it has proved both solid and adjustable enough to survive 230 years and remain operative in a world different from the one in which it was written. The United States Constitution, officially took place on September 17, 1787, in which it established America’s national government and foundational laws. The charter guaranteed essential rights for its citizens. It was signed at the Second Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. The purpose is to set forth the rules of how the government and the people must behave.
The U.S. Constitution consists of a preamble, seven original articles and twenty-seven amendments (“Kids”). The first three articles …show more content…

It states important ideas including the disassociation of powers between the branches of government, known as checks and balances, the election of Senators and Representatives, the powers that Congress possess, and the process of how laws are made. With these outlines, article one has survived for 230 years. Time has changed since the day this article was written but it has proved flexible by surviving during these changes. Authors of the Constitution wrote it in such a way that it would persevere through alterations. This has proved relevant in modern society because Congress is still withstanding the test of time. Congress is the legislative or lawmaking branch of our government and throughout the years they have certainly never stopped making laws (“Article 1”). This affects modern day both positively and negatively. By them being the head of law-making decisions, they affect people's’ lives in more ways than one. They decide what citizens have to follow. This affects modern day life because some things are not legal and that exempts people from certain activities. This ensure the people are safe. This leads to the next article and how the executive branch deals with Congress’ …show more content…

It states that the United States Constitution is the highest law of the country and that all states must uphold the Constitution and all of its rules (“Sixth article”). This is important in modern time because we don’t want our leaders and higher officials to be against the very Constitution that makes our country the United States. If state and federal officers are bashing the very rules that make our country work how can it work at all. The sixth article wants all higher officials that have a part in any governmental sayings to uphold and respect the Constitution that is our