Prosperity In The Great Gatsby

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Prosperity. The thing that all people strive for, but so little reach. Being prosperous in America is a top priority for almost all residents, although it is different for each and every individual. America is a place of opportunity, and here one can obtain the American Dream. This American Dream is generally defined as the longing for success: wealth, good health, and more importantly, enjoying life. Although no matter how hard people strive for the American Dream, it is typically only partially achieved. Tom Buchanan is a prime example of someone who seems like they have achieved the American Dream, but has not. He has undeniable wealth, physical attributes, and is at the top of the social spectrum. While Tom may seem put together, he is …show more content…

While taking Nick into the city, Tom says, “We’re getting off, I want you to meet my girl” (24). Tom had a mistress. She was only one of the many that he had strung along since the beginning of his and Daisy's marriage. Towards the end of the book he tries to justify himself by saying, “...Once in awhile I go off on a spree and make a fool of myself, but I always come back, and in my heart I loved her all the time (131).” Tom is a very hedonistic character that is not satisfied no matter the situation. The only reason he says he loves Daisy all of the time is for security. He wants to seem like his relationship is perfect, while it’s actually unstable. He may seem like he has everything one could want, but it is all just a facade. While he has a great insight on the American Dream, he is clearly missing the satisfactory element of it all. Tom is not the only character flirting with the American Dream. Jay Gatsby worked his hardest to achieve this dream, but did not make it in the end. Gatsby is a determined man that worked very diligently, and illegally, to obtain all the wealth he had. While he had wealth, and was a rather healthy man, he did not have happiness. The reader sees Gatsby work his way to getting the girl of his dreams, only to see him suffer in the