Prosthetist Vs Rehabilitation

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One of the most important components of rehabilitation and support services is prostheses and orthoses which are required by the majority of people with physical disabilities and often provide the first step to ensure that people with disabilities are equal members of society.
Prosthetists provide care to patients with partial or total absence of limbs by designing, fabricating, and fitting prostheses or artificial limbs. Orthotists provide care to patients with neuromuscular and musculoskeletal impairments that contribute to functional limitation and disability by designing, fabricating, and fitting orthoses, or custom-made braces. Orthotist and Prosthetist along with rehabilitation team provides a variety of services promoting better health …show more content…

This is done through collaboration with human resources capable of actually applying the results of research to the creation and adaptation of prostheses and welfare devices, and each type of specialized professional, such as medical doctors, physiotherapists and occupational therapists. Appropriate prescription, fabrication, instruction, and application of the orthotic and prosthetic devices help persons to engage in activities of daily living as independently as possible. Prosthetists and orthotists are allied health professionals who custom-fabricate and fit prostheses and orthoses. Along with other health care professionals, including nurses, physical therapists, and occupational therapists, prosthestists and orthotists are integral members of the rehabilitation teams responsible for returning patients to productive and meaningful lives. Definitions of disability continue to evolve. Current definitions consider social, behavioral, and environmental factors that affect the person’s ability to function in society. These definitions have considerably broadened the original pathology model in which disability was a function of a particular disease or group of diseases. The current, more inclusive model requires expertise from many sectors in rehabilitative care. This paper will also discusses the developmental history of the art and science of orthotics, prosthetics, and physical therapy as professions dedicated to rehabilitating persons with injury and disability. Nationwide existing training facilities for prosthetic and orthotic professionals and other providers of essential rehabilitation services are inadequate in relation to the need. Japan being a developed country,