Protesilaus During The Trojan War

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Timé is best exemplified through the heroic actions of Protesilaus and Hector during the Trojan War because of their unyielding courage, even in the face of death. The Trojan War is a ten year long struggle between Greece and the Troy, which begins with the kidnapping of the Queen of Sparta, Helen, and finally ends with a Greek victory and the subsequent burning of Troy. Protesilaus, a Greek warrior, valiantly disembarks from the Greek vessels first when they crossed the River Simois. The oracle had proclaimed prior to the event, that “he who [lands] first [will] be… first to die, ” and as Protesilaus “[leaps] ashore” he immediately “[falls] by a Trojan spear” (Hamilton 262). This performance is an act of timé, because Protesilaus sacrifices