Ares's Recklessness During The Trojan War

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Ares’s strong personality prompted even his parents, Zeus and Hera, to dislike him. His bloodthirst and love for conflict are traits that show he’s the exact opposite of Athena, goddess of war strategy and wisdom, who’s often praised by gods and mortals alike. Especially Zeus himself who favored her the most among all the gods, he hated Ares just as much. The Trojan War is an example of Ares’s reckless acts, in Homer’s version is a perfect example of Ares showing up only in times where there’s conflict. Fighting alongside the Trojans, though as the god of war it’s expected he would win, it’s not surprising that his hot headed nature only worked against him, which is unsurprising that the the war resulted in the Achaeans victory, especially

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