Prozac By Jim Lynn Essay

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Jim Lynn references a TV ad for Prozac in which the announcer, in a soft voice, gives the feeling of peace and serenity. Prozac is the panacea for all that ails humanity. Never mind the long list of side effects given at the end of the ad. “Are they the answer to man’s quest for happiness and healing, or is there something sinister at work here?” (p. 90) Besides the manipulative nature of drugs, there is a direct spiritual relationship these drugs have with our spirituality. Jim Lynn is not passing condemnation on Christians who use drugs, but to show there is a better way. Satan is defeated, but he can cause confusion by counterfeiting the will of God (p. 91). “This is what is happening with the rampart spread of drug therapy and is, for many, a form of spiritual bondage, a false reality created in the name of healing.” (p. 91) The author is …show more content…

“Chronically-ill Christians who do not believe that the Lord heals today should examine their participation in the Lord’s Supper as to why they remain sick.” (p. 113) As a note, 1 Corinthians 11:29 is one of my favorite passages dealing with health and healing. Paul says that lack of discernment of the Lord’s body is cause for physical weakness, sickness, and death (sleep). The Lord’s Supper reminds us of the gospel that Jesus preached is to heal the sick and save their souls. Jim Lynn refers to Pastor Henry Wright’s book, A More Excellent Way. “For that reason [not understanding the Lord’s Supper] many of us are filled with disease and insanity today because we have said in our heart that it (miraculous healing) passed away two thousand years ago, yet we still participate in the sacrament of Communion which represents its reality for today.” (p. 114) Although many have faith to believe the blood for salvation, many who are sick do not recognize or have faith in the bread for their healing. Jim Lynn asks the reader to ponder and meditate on these thoughts the next time Communion is