Psy 270 Week 2 Personal Reflection Papers

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On November 9th, I attended an event in the glass lounge that was ran by campus ministry, involving homelessness and hunger. This event correlates with Gwynedd Mercy University’s theme of #MakeMercyReal because it allows us to show mercy and help those who are in need. This event has changed my outlook on a great deal of issues that I did not know were prevalent at our school and has made me want to make a difference. Lauren DuCharme is an inspiring woman from campus ministry and is very passionate about what she does. A friend of hers came to her about an issue that caught her attention: students on campus cannot feed themselves. Lauren at first, was shocked; she couldn't believe that was an issue, but once she heard about it, she knew she needed to make a difference. Lauren and some help created “Cathrine’s Cupboard”. Basically, what happens is they collect food and students on campus who feel as if they are struggling, can come by and get something to eat. They collect all kinds of foods (although …show more content…

Being homeless is not what defines someone as a person, but is rather just a difficulty that they are experiencing. Lauren Ducharme made it clear that you have to be careful about how you approach someone who is experiencing something like homelessness and that them being homeless is absolutely not what defines them as a person; they can recover from this. Academically, this event though me to be more educated about my surroundings. As a student I will grow with more of an understanding and knowledge about people who are suffering. Personally, this event effects my development as a person because I respect someone going through times like this so much more than I did before. Now, I want to help people going through these experiences and try to make things better for