Psy 350 Experimental Statistics Essay

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PSY 350: Experimental Psychology
Statistics planning worksheet

1. What is your conceptual IV? That is, what thing do you want to change for participants because you think it will affect an outcome? If you have more than one IV, answer this question for each IV separately.
The conceptual independent variable is the emotions of the participants during the experiment.

2. How will you operationalize your IV? (i.e., how will you create different conditions that expose people to different levels of the IV?) If you have more than one IV, answer this question for each IV separately.
I will operationalize the Independent variable by presenting different types videos to the participants, in order to manipulate their emotions.

3. How many IVs do you have? How many levels of each IV? (The minimum for an …show more content…

The levels are Happiness and Sadness.

4. What is your conceptual DV? That is, when you change the IV, what do you think will change in the participants? Or in other words, what is the outcome you are interested in?
The conceptual Dependent variable is the actions of the participants in the experiment.
5. How will you operationalize your DV? What will you use to measure whether the outcome was different for your IV groups?
I will operationalize the Dependent variable by observing their actions during the experiment.

6. Will you be using a between-subjects or within-subjects design? If you have more than one IV, you need to answer this question separately for each IV.
I will be using within subjects design. The participants will be given the same treatment during the experiment.

7. Based on the above information, do you plan to use an independent-samples t-test, a paired-samples t-test, a chi-square test, or an ANOVA? How do you decide that?

Based on the information above, I plan to use a Chi-square because I am comparing only two variables in this

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