
Psychological Manipulation In George Orwell's Black Mirror

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Black Mirror is a science fiction anthology series that explores the conflicts between human follies and mankind's greatest inventions. This episode is called Nosedive and it takes place in a not-too-distant future in which citizens can rate one another after every conversation. This rating system is then used to determine one's socioeconomic status and place in society. When a woman becomes too obsessed with status and popularity, she spirals into a paranoid state. Psychological Manipulation In 1984, the Party manipulates information in order to brainwash citizens into believing that the Party is always correct and knows what's right for the citizens. In consequence, citizens of Oceania become sheep and brainless followers of government propaganda with no individuality whatsoever. Similarly, in Nosedive, the societal construct manipulates citizens into believing that their self-worth is solely dependent on popularity. This notion prompts citizens to conform to the norm and standards so that they are like everyone else. Since everyone puts on a facade to achieve popularity and status, there no longer is any genuity behind their actions or authenticity. Corporate Control …show more content…

There’s Victory gin, Victory coffee, Victory cigarettes and of course, Winston lives in Victory Mansions. The government deliberately markets items with the Victory branding to disillusion citizens into thinking that Oceania is an amazing, victorious country. By constantly being surrounded by the word victory, it also promotes patriotism within the country so that citizens are more prone to believe in Big Brother and the Party. All in all, the Victory branding is just another method for the Party to manipulate citizens into thinking Big Brother is great while suppressing citizens’ own thoughts, opinions and

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