Psychological Trauma In Beatrice's In Search Of April Raintree

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Psychological Trauma in Beatrice’s In Search of April Raintree Shreeja Sankaran M.Phil. Research Scholar Department of English Alagappa University Karaikudi Literature is interdisciplinary. It is interrelated to social, history, philosophy and psychology. It mirrors the exterior as well as the interior world. In the modern period, literature is closely related to the field of psychology. As a result of social evils like war, oppression, sexual violence and so on, people are psychologically affected. These psychological problems are brought to light in literature. This paper …show more content…

It is a state of mind that expresses a devastating and damaging experience resulting from an injury. A sudden shocking event or a series of events causes psychological trauma, producing stress, disordered feelings and behavior. This interdependency of literature and psychology has led to the emergence of a new genre called trauma novel. Trauma Novel refers to a work of fiction that expresses loss and arouses fear in an individual or a community. Beatrice Culleton Mosionier is a Canadian Metis author, who has written novels, aboriginal children’s book and a play. She lived in several foster homes as a ward of Children’s Aid Society. Her experiences in foster homes have been reflected in her novels “In Search of April Raintree” and “Shadows of Evil”. All her works are centered upon the traumatic incidents faced by the protagonists. “In Search of April Raintree” draws upon the traumatic experiences of two Metis sisters, April and Cheryl, who are victims of racial oppression and sexual