Psychology Analysis Theory: Hidden Story In Subconscious

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Psychology analysis Theory (Childhood): Hidden Story in subconscious
Psychology analysis means that used by a qualified therapist who has extensive light therapy, a form of moderate chronic difficulties in living patients. It is related to a theory about the relationship between the conscious and unconscious mental processes of the particular body and should not be used as a synonym for psychotherapy in general. Psychoanalysis is done with a single patient and analyst; it is not appropriate to group work.
The basic principles of psychology analysis include the following:
• In addition to the constitutional succession of personality, a person 's development is determined by the child event;
• Attitudes, pretence, experiences and ideas are greatly …show more content…

In psychology, the subconscious is a part of consciousness, which is the psychological process in which the individual is not aware of all of them. All your habits of thinking and acting are stored in your subconscious. It has memorized all your comfort zones and it works to keep you in them. Moreover, subconscious also stores all of your previous life experiences, your beliefs, your bad or good memories, your skills; you have been through all of the cases, all the images you have ever seen. In addition, the subconscious is responsible for automatically trigger feelings and emotions; you are suddenly faced with a new situation and experience. For an example, if you are going to give a presentation on the stage, and then you will feeling all the fear and anxiety that you might encounter in fact started by your subconscious mind control.
Furthermore, you gathered some knowledge and formed a knowledge base. You judged yourself, people around you and differentiate the good from the bad. All of you made conclusions are based on people’s looks. This is because you met some bad person who had grey eyes, a long nose and tattooing, so your kid brain came to a conclusion that all persons with grey eyes, a long nose and tattooing were bad. This is because your subconscious minds are thinking like …show more content…

He has always been very protective of his sister. Unfortunately, the sister is mentally retarded and often bullied by others. However, the boy cannot help her because of his weak and useless. One day, when the boy went to have lunch with his sister, he saw his sister was being bullied by her friends. In subconscious of the boy, he needed to protect his sister. He remembered a TV drama that he had watched recently, with a scene of a man fought with others in order to protect a girl. So, the boy imitated the plot of drama and fought like mad with the bullies. Finally, the bullies scared by his madness and fled