
Psychology Career Goals

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What does it take to become a licensed Clinical Psychologist with a specialization in Forensic Psychology? After doing some extensive research and interviewing with professors in the field of psychology. I have concluded, this chosen career path with need dedication and perseverance. An undergraduate degree in psychology is necessary, however, a Bachelors degree is not the only piece of the puzzle one must have. To begin the process of applying for a graduate program I must tackle a mountain of obstacles. Beginning with a high overall undergraduate GPA, meaning an overall undergraduate GPA of no less than 3.5. Secondly, most Masters, PsyD, and Ph.D. programs require at minimum a 3.5 overall GPA, plus nothing less than a B in upper-division …show more content…

A strong personal statement will in some instances be needed, along with 3 powerful and influential recommendations from academic professors, who are willing to vouch for my academic success in the program. It is important to mention, any professor may write a recommendation however, at least one of these recommendations must be from a professor in the field of psychology. Any training, research, or experience that has been done within the field of psychology, along with a curriculum vitae will enhance my admissions into a Master’s, PsyD, or Ph.D. program. Lastly, I cannot forget the admissions interview or interviews that will take place, making a good first impression, showing how valuable I can be to the program, I feel may in a sense either allow admittance or deny my admittance. The next hurdle, at least for me comes when financial costs are added to the equation. A university never or rarely funds a Master’s program therefore, tuition is paid for by the student and price for the program is decided by the school or program. This is the point, where I must advise, that for me to call myself a licensed Clinical psychologist, I must have a doctoral degree from an APA accredited program, furthermore, the APA (American Psychological Association) does not accredit Master’s programs, they only accredit PsyD and Ph.D. programs that meet

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