Social Learning Theory: The Psychological Theories Of Domestic Violence

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Women’s living domestic violence is a vulnerable population, and therefore, has huge concerns to social work issues. Social work is commitment to this population because the DV generates gender inequalities, social injustice, discrimination, and in some cases, generates weakness of basic human needs. In short, DV has a strong relation with social work commitments.
Domestic Violence (DV) is an extensive phenomenon, with millions of women attacked by intimate partners and ex partners (Black, 2011). The term DV denotes an ongoing pattern of coercive control maintained through psychological, physical, sexual, and/or economic abuse that fluctuates in severity and chronicity. Many women recuperate relatively quickly from DV, mostly if the abuse is shorter in duration and less severe and they have access to resources and support (Carole, 2012). Others, predominantly those who experience more recurrent or severe abuse, may develop symptoms that make quotidian functioning more difficult.
Studies relate the social worker …show more content…

Both theories disagree with the psychoanalytic perspective that describes the human personality based only in intra psychic situations. In a contrasting frame, social learning theory approach gender-role education as a mirrored image. The Social learning theory highlights the importance of observing and modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others. Feminists differ with it and discuss instead that individuals learn gender through gender scripts (rolls) that are reinforced by parents and society. Social learning theory suggests that individuals learn gender through positive reinforcement. Individuals are rewarded when they act accordingly. Individual are punished when you do not act accordingly. Feminists argue instead that individuals learn gender through the power relation between man and woman that are social

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