Purebred Dogs Disadvantages

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Supply and Demand:
The supply and demand for dogs is very high. Purebred dogs are usually more wanted or demanded than mixed breeds. This is most likely for their outward beauty and specific features. However, purebreds have their pros and cons. Firstly, a purebred dog takes away from shelters. Millions of healthy mutts are stuck in cages in animal shelters and pounds. You may be getting a beautiful dog that is flawless in appearance but sick underneath. Mixed breeds are just as beautiful as and even more unique than purebreds. Secondly, price, you can get a purebred for five hundred dollars and most likely more, or you can get a mixed breed dog for maybe one hundred dollars or less in shots and a good grooming. According to Psychology Today, …show more content…

Here are some reasons you should consider adopting a mutt over a purebred. First, there are more of them. The supply of shelter dogs is very high, so consider getting a cheaper and just as beautiful dog rather than an over one thousand dollar possibly sick dog. According to research done by the authorities at PetInsuranceQuotes.com, mutts take up around fifty-three percent of the US dog population. Moreover, around seventy-five percent take up shelters. Many people are cognizant of this problem, but they would prefer to buy an expensive closely bred dog. Unfortunately, shelters cannot keep all of these dogs. According to research, euthanasia is one of the highest causes of death for mutts. However, it is also unavoidable with so many dogs. This is why we must stand to end unnecessary pure breeding even just for a little while, so we can save the already perfect in their own way mixed bred …show more content…

You can get a dog that looks exactly like every other golden retriever or you can get a woodle (wheaten terrier and poodle mix) or a cockapoo (cocker spaniel and poodle mix) or over one hundred other beautiful mixes. Mixed bred dogs have unique personalities since they are not specifically bred for a certain personality. Mixed bred dog’s personalities can develop over time. If you adopted a mixed breed dog as a puppy, you get the joys of watching his or her personality develop and grow. When my family adopted our sweet dog, we watched his personality develop even though he was not a puppy. I have also never seen another dog that looks identical to my family’s dog. Mutts are special, although all dogs have personalities, mutts show you that dogs can have their own personality; they vividly show you that they can feel emotions and that they understand. While with purebreds you can choose what your dog will look and act like, a mixed breed will have different and new

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